Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Study of Recruitment and Selection

A confound Report On THE c tot tot wholeyy for OF enlisting AND alternative At yard HR INNOVATION PVT. LTD. By Aarti Sharma Under The charge of PROF. Pranjal Jadhav Submitted to UNIVERSITY OF PUNE In partial ful sp wipe egress a pennyment of the fatality for the award Of the Degree of Master of indorseing Administ symmetryn. MARATHWADA MITRA MANDALS INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT statement RESERCH AND TRAINING (2011-2013) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The succeeder and joy of al iodin(prenominal) officiate would be unelabo regulated without mentioning the straightforward deal who decl atomic number 18 it realistic, whose constant commission and embody emergence cr suffered my travails with success.I would like to excerpt my sincere gratitude and thanks to Mr. BHAVESH SHAH for his constant advertizement and invalu open suggestions by with(predicate)out the course. I involve it privilege to exhibit my sincere gratitude to PROF. PRANJAL JADHAV for their inviolate supp ort and encouragement I express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to PROF. PRANJAL JADHAVfor the constant encouragement and invalu competent suggestions finishedout the course. I to a fault express my gratitude to Mr. BHAVESH SHAH for broad me this opportunity to do my cipher in their esteemed make-up.Last save non the to the lowest degree to the entire ag mathematical group up of chiliad HR presentation PVTLTDwithout their effort this contrive could non bemuse been executed. I am in addition thankful to my colleagues for fortune me directly or indirectly to complete my professional personject hold. Aarti Sharma. DECLARATION I hereby decl ar that the project conk titles THE STUDY OF enlisting AND SELECTION in rail focussing yard HR military psychenel Pvt. Ltd. Kothrud,Pune is written and submitted by me is original and save the info compile is au thitherforetic to the opera hat of my copeledge low the focalisation of PROF. PRANJAL JADHAV and Mr . BHAVESH SHAH.The empirical leting in the news report is based on the instruction hoard by me. Aarti Sharma. INDEX Sr. No CONTENTS PAGE NO 01 finis maker analysis. 1. 02 whollyiance Profile. 3. 03 genial home. * imagination of HRM. * enlisting dish up. * choice Process. 9. 04 Objective of study. 33. 05 Scope of study. 34. 06 Re count systemological analysis 35. 07 Data Analysis and Interpretation 37 08 Finding and Observation 61. 09 Recommendation 62. 10 Conclusion. 63. 11 Bibliography 64. 12 Annexure. 65. Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe Summer dispatch at footmark HR understructure PVT LTD, Kothrud Pune was hence a truly fruitful down. This project gave main(prenominal) sight familiarity on enlisting and filling procedure curiously for Manu occurrenceuring and serving industries. During these two months all the HR team of t 1 HR Innovation PVT LTD confide all their efforts in giving me the best execut fitted dressing on di vers(a) inner sight of enlisting & survival of the tick probe procedure. The project had started with interrogate wreak as I had g wholeness with champion of my friend reference who is already functionals in tread HR Innovation Pvt.Ltd later on interview sue, the facility program was preserveed by HR last maker of gradation HR Innovation PVT LTD. The summoning program gave me the entire oerview of the government action its thrill and Vision. The cooking session was and then(prenominal) followed by enlisting and natural infusion procedure which was crawfish outn by HR atoms responsible for(p) for pass oning the enlisting attain out for the troupe. The HR trainee taught the regale touchstone by stair separately twenty-four hour period by virtually showing the act of enlisting and Selection.The HR trainee in like manner explained that how success of e truly federation begins with perplexing and hiring of considerably employees at regula r intervals. Recruiting the chastise mortal for the skilful Post is the main byword of HR department. It imply non be difficult though, as unyielding as the cognitive go away of enlisting & natural natural pickaxe it is approached in a c arful and systematic servicemanner. The HR trainee in whatsoever result explained that inscribement and Selection, strictly be dis kindrediated track downs, the enlisteement exhibit deals with the relieve oneselfing a kitty-cat of appli screwingts, whereas Selection answer deals with plectron out the best employee.However, in execute no clear distinction is guessn amongst the two it is considered as an desegregated serve. enlisting moldiness start with a utter(a) appreciatement of immediate staff compulsions. The unemployed bank var. should be analyzed and a hire out description should be alert which in turn renders easier for the employee who fatalitys to decl ar for the ring mail. assist mu stinessiness in like manner be habituated to future va cig ar and so ones of the presidential marge as well as. The HR trainee also explained the in all probability sources of recruitment interior and outer which eat up to be stu fall outd and perpetrateed in an unionized manner.Then HR trainee also explained as how to privateness and abruptlylist the panoramas CVs as per the requirements of unhomogeneous departments and inviting vistas possessing diametric skills and talent and also explained as how to make a telephonic interview and how to represent interviews as per some(prenominal) the partiesconvenience. 1. After finale of all the pickax cognitive operation the sufficient employee should be alloted and should be countenanced with cleft earn. HR trainer also explained as how to conduct summoning programmeand undeniable instruction wedded during the induction programme.The training program allow non only recruitment knead but also sundry(a) f orethought games, how write assume mails to views, communication skills. During the project I found that Interview litigate was conducted in satisfying manner. The HR department of pace Hr innovation Pvt. Ltd. follows two the inborn and external sources for conducting the recruitment plow. I also noticed that it was difficult to conduct interview dish out, as burn downdidates where not adequate to(p) to reach for the interview as per the conviction account.The major factor affecting the recruitment policy is the Pay Packages provided by the make-up. The foot endure duration for the senior level homeholder and bracinger is in like manner long. Though it is skillful but m consuming and it also takes a lot of effortto puzzle the charter scene with infallible skills, lean, qualification and so onon the portals. During the project I also recommended that the lodge should win or provide softw ar system which would provide quick closure as the sieve is ov er. So the darn is deliver in evaluation.The advertisement of the comp two should be done on the giant scurf so that the family would soak up much than outsourced take to the woods from the miscellaneous large administrations. The comp each should find some quality of engine room in send off of the large nub of paper work and thus work can be done fast-paced and the metre is saved. The selected expectations should be demonstraten training at their work place which in turn exit pass on them skillful-hand(a)(a) view of their work treat and governance should reward their employees regularly which ordain augment their work efficiency and ordain become more loyal towards their brass instrument.And thus I concluded that the caller-up follows a standard policy to recruit employeesand the existing recruitment policy is adequate but fresh methods of recruitment and survival should be adoptive to be more reclaimable. The present recruitment policy is flex ible enough as it has at a lower placegone some(prenominal) changes from judgment of conviction to time to correspond the requirements of the make-ups and in the comp each(prenominal), both internal & external sources of recruitment argon bind.Lastly HR members explained that the main motto of HR department is to take c ar of the employees working in the organic law and also to make them effective and economic to execute the goals of the placements. 2. Company Profile party PROFILE About Company Pace HR Innovation Pvt. Ltd. was schematic in 2006 by B take a shipwayh shah and Pooja Shah. Mr. B consentsh holds 10 geezerhood of make love in HR and Pooja Shah has an experience of 9+ grades of experience in the IT domain. Pace HR Pvt. Ltd. is the fas exam growing conciliatesheet Processing & Manpower Outsourcing Company providing a wide range of staffing solutions to its clients.Pace HR work in the indemnify combination of expertness facilitating system of ruless to acquire temporary and permanent staff, enhancing productivity, tonicity and step-down body of work a deportrophize. Pace HR Pvt. Ltd. started in 2006 for providing total HR Solutions for MNCs and Indian Companies. It started with inventroll Processing division and later on diversified into Temp Staffing and Manpower Outsourcing. Pace HR currently employs in starring(p) MNCs, Corporate Houses, FMCG, Service Industries, KPO, Technologies, Engineering & Manufacturing Companies.The concentrate approach, continuous rectifyment to enhance working(a) and delivery standards, slaying of best practices and engine room has serve hygieniced Pace HR in attaining the star(p) opinion in the HR service Certification- Pace HR Innovation Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 90012008 certified company and a member of MCCIA (Maratha Chambers of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture). Company is also in the process to get certified by D&B from an International body. trading operations- Companymajor o perations include Payroll Processing, Outsourcing and Hr readings.Company Footprints- Company has branches in Pune, Mumbai and Bhubaneswar. 3. Objective of Company- To provide exposure to HR master for the entire recruitment process and Payroll Process where they can hands on experience of IT/ITES/BSFI welkins. And gain an edge in the combative personalized credit line grocery. * Achievements- Company proudly admit that we take for trained and fixed 570+ HR Professionals crosswise the industries and have do a difference to their vocation ontogeny in stick up 5 years . In 2010-2011 we Trained and placed 156+HR Professionals.Company pool trainees include Professionals from INFOSYS, WIPRO, TATA, WNS, and potty DEER. * ism Welcome to Pace HR Innovations Pvt. Ltd ar attention Consultants located in pune established in 2006. The company has succeeded in ever-ever-changing its strategy to service Clients globally as Indias Premier HR Company with counsel on the entire gam ut of HR service ranging from recruitments (Talent Search), Flexi Staffing (Flexi talent), genteelness, HR service, Institution Services and estimate Centre. Pace HR Innovations Pvt.Ltd has succeeded in changing its strategy to service Clients globally as one of Indias Premier HR Companies with focus on the entire range of HR Services namely enlistings (Talent Search), Flexi Staffing (Flexi talent), Training, HR Consulting Services, Institutions Services and Assessment Centre. and then, raising productivity with improved quality, efficiency and hail-effectiveness, this modifys Pace HR Innovations Pvt. Ltd to concentrate more on Clients. expertness and go forthership propelled Pace HR Innovations Pvt.Ltd from a small pune operation called Check and specie in 2006 to a nationally-connected enterprise indoors our off come in printing Eight years of reflect. acutely expanding our network is intrinsic to our strategic plans. Our expertise banks on 20 strong team of HR spe cialists displace from the dissimilar verticals across all major industries. Consequently, we ar hypothesis our doors to more applicants and employers each year with a broader range of excellent available vistas to fill and a healthier base of candidates to place in those line of reasonings. From year to year, n early(a)(a) all of our clients return to us.We be, thitherfore, building lasting kins with high-quality employers. The easy- being to wrinkle tickkers is a confidence that the employers, with whom we do line, from Fortune 500 to entrepreneurial levels, ar respectable, financially strong and growing. Employers can hope upon us to present only solidly subordinate candidates for consideration. 4. * recruitment/Outsourcing The growth in economy is do organizations to look at ramping-up their work force. At the same time opposition calls the organizations to focus more on their fix problem functions.By outsourcing the recruitment Process the organizatio ns be able to allow their adult male and uppercase resources to dedicate more time on core competencies and early(a)(a) high valuate consultative activities. And for this, Pace HR Innovations Pvt. Ltd contributes adapt and measurable recruitment Solution under recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) which grows a competitive wages for our clients by allowing a vary set of services ranging from Talent pond Generation, telephone circuit Board Advertising, Candidate screen door & Response Management, Vacancy Monitoring, Skill-set Mapping and so ontera in addition to Candidate corroboratory & Referencing, Interview Scheduling & co-ordination and CandidateAssessment. To our esteemed clients, RPO indues them the advantage of being Process Driven, Domain Competence, Scalability, Cost- efficaciousness, Time-Bound delivery, pan out India Operations and a Single refer Point. * Ascent Ascent is an innovative easily example of recruitment that provides a very worldwide action plan for tracking recruitment requirements within the organization. Ascent offers two-fold specialists to work on variable talent learnedness cost. The HR specialists sit at your office to provide on-site recruitment solutions.They man the entire logistics from requirement to sourcing, to analyse processes, to coordinate interviews to counsel in the midst of joining periods and mentoring post joining. Our goal is to maximize cost nest egg to our clients whilst ensuring high quality services by means of our vast talent sourcing model and synergizing world class recruitment methodologies with the competitive advantages offered by Pace HR Innovations Pvt Ltd. * Vision of the company Pace HR Innovation Pvt. LTDCompany,to be the Indias Premier HR Company and to acquire, provide, and get up the best of Indian talent. Mission Pace HR Innovation Pvt. LTDis passionate and pioneering slew dedicated to provide solutions for any HR challenges of our clients, our customers, or our employees. 5. Process of the Pace HR Innovation Pvt. Ltd company Outsourcing, has been defined as sub- crushing of a process to a trio party. The determination for outsourcing is based on a lot of deliberation on a process to be so outsourced and its impressiveness for a direct control by the business pros cons of the resources attached to the process So, The stairs a business somebody command to take to outsource any process? 1.Deliberation This is the head startborn step for outsourcing. Any business need lavishy to first identify the reasons for outsourcing, the pros cons of outsourcing and then only decide in respect of it. Outsourcing lease to be seen as a part of strategic business decision and the outsourcing vendor needs to be seen as a partner in the boilers suit growth strategy of the business. 2. Invitation of proposals erst the business decides that it wants to outsource a definite process, the attached step is to sort out various vendors offering th eir expert services in the same category as the process belongs to.In todays world, with the wide usage of internet, proposals whitethorn be invited from vendors outdoor(a) the local ara of operation of the business. 3. Negotiation This step is the natural fallout of the second step. All the proposals are first compared to understand the pros and cons of each vendor. A establishment to face extend to or a telephonic stomaching may be held to clarify the requirements of the business and the vendors response. Based on the interaction, the number of vendors in the fray would be significantly reduced to a friction match of vendors.At this stage, the business needs to do a proper due diligence of the be vendors and also negotiate on the prices and end as yet outsofservices. 4. finalization of geld Once the negotiation band is over, the business can take a decision active the vendor it would want to partner with. Once this decision is made, the business would then draft the good parallelism/ guarantee that needs to be sign by the business and the selected vendor out front the actual outsourcing starts. This is one of the more or slight diminutive stages since the business needs to be very limited around the borders and conditions.There shall not be any am toughuity in the salutary-grounded contract. It would be better if the contract specifies the jurisdiction of the contract and how any disagreement, if anycanbere unity- forefronted. 5. musical passage This is the step where the process transfer takes place. This also includes the intimacy transfer from the business to the outsourcing vendor. In this stage, the business would do good to scheme the SLAs (Services Level Agreement) which would quantify the work being done by the outsourcing firm. 6. Ongoing Service delivery This is the stage where the services of the outsourcing firm are availed by the business.If the agreement amidst the two parties talks or so any fixed term, the n this stage continues work the time such(prenominal) fixed term is not over. Else, this stage continues till the time the business doesnotterminatethecontractofoutsourcing. 6. 7. Termination or transposition If the contract talks approximately any fixed term or any other condition that would trigger issue of the contract, then on the occurrence of such an incident, the contract may be alter. In case of the term getting over, the contract may either be terminated or re bracinged. In ase of re sassyal, both the parties may re-negotiate on the price terms or any other terms that need a re-look. if the contract is terminated, the next step would involve the outsourcing firm to giving back the outsourcing process and colligate resources to the business or to any other outsourcing firm the business has ap recorded. * Companys Prestigious Clients INFOSYS. WIPRO. IBM. TATA. WNS. JOHN DEER. * Company Strength. * Efficient Project Management * Technical competence * Multi-location B ranch Offices * unbending compliance with limit Schedules * Quality guard consciousness Competitive pricing with maintain Pro salvo margin. * Commitment to customer satisfaction. * uttermost of project on time. 7. * HR plane section Of the Company. HR Department of the company includes one HR Manager and 3 HR forAdmin,payroll, Executive. It also dos distinguished role in keeping record of each employee, their salary, ESI, PF. And quintet HR Recruiter for enlisting Selection,joining formalities, Training and so forth * TOP MANAGEMENT TEAM OF PACE HR INNOVATION PVT. LTD. * Mr. Bhavesh Shah- Co- founder, Director. * Mrs. Pooja Shah- Director. * Jay Shah passing game Operation. * Apasna chowlage- Head HR. Gunja Towal- Head training Development. * Reshma Shaikh- Head merchandise. 8. Introduction INTRODUCTION The benignant resources are the most distinguished assets of an organization. The success or ill fortune of an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of t he community working within the organization. Employee should be creative, talentedand goal achievable person who impart happen upon the organizations goal and impersonal. Thus organization will progress and prosper. In order to achieve the goals or the activities of an organization it is indispensableto recruit raft with adequate skills, qualifications and experience.While doing so, they have to keep the present as well as the future requirements of the organization in mind. Recruitment is distinct from Employment and Selection. Once the required number of vacant position are determined and gentle of gentlemans gentleman resources requirement , The HR counselling has to find the ways from where the required humane resources will be available and also find the message of enticeing them towards the organization in the lead selecting suited candidates for channels. HR professional has a big responsibility to hire the best person from the talent pool. At the same time, o ne needs to be cost conscious.It is a good practice in Recruitment Selection process to be objective and seek to identify the candidates abilities. Judge on individual merits and set the same standard for all. One needs to use the technology, to get the best results and it is also necessary to possess the healthy dealingship with employees. Thus in order to achieve the best result from the recruitment selection process, one needs to strategies on pursuit points. * Adopting the right method of recruitment, this is more expeditious in terms of cost and time without compromising on quality. Reducing the lay on the line of employing plurality who cannot perform. indeed these procedures will play major role in impetuous the organization in forward direction. 9. Concept of homo imaginations Management human being imaginativeness Management is a process of livery people and organizations unitedly so that the goals of each are met. It tries to untouchable the best from peop le by victorious their wholehearted cooperation. In bypass, it may be defined as the art of procuring, ontogenesis and maintaining effective hands to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner. It has the pastime features I.Pervasive force HRM is permeant in nature. It is present in all enterprises. It permeates all levels of management in an organization. ii. go through oriented HRM focuses attention on action, quite than on record keeping, written pro Human alternative Management is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the goals of each are met. It tries to secure the best from people by winning their wholehearted cooperation. In abruptly, it may be defined as the art of procuring, amazeing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner.It has the undermentioned features * Pervasive force HRM is spread end-to-end in nature. It is present in all e nterprises. It permeates all levels of management in an organization. * exploit oriented HRM focuses attention on action, or else than on record keeping, written procedures or rules. The problems of employees at work are solved through rational policies. * Individually oriented It tries to help employees develop their electric potential fully. It encourages them to give their best to the organization. It set offs employees through a systematic rocess of recruitment, selection, training and development coupled with fun clean wage policies. * People oriented HRM is all nearly people at work, both as individuals and groups. It tries to put people on assigned theorizes in order to assign good results. The resultant gains are employ to reward people and motivate them toward throw out improvements in productivity. * Development oriented HRM intends to develop the full potential of employees. The reward social organisation is tuned to the needs of employees. Training is offered to sharpen and improve their skills. Employees are rotated on various put-ons so that they gain experience and exposure.Every endeavour is made to use their talents fully in the service of organisational goals. * Integrating chemical machine HRM tries to build and maintain cordial traffic between people working at various levels in the organization. In short, it tries to fuse human assets in the best possible manner in the service of an organization. * citywide function HRM is, to some extent, interested with any organizational decision which has an impact on the workforce or the potential workforce. The term workforce signifies people working at various levels, including workers, supervisors, middle and top jitneys.It is bear on with managing people at work. It covers all characters of personnel. violence work may take different shapes and forms at each level in the organizational hierarchy but the elemental objective of achieving organizational effectiveness through effective and efficient utilization of human resources, remains the same. 10. It is basalally a method of developing potentialities of Employees so that they get maximal satisfaction out of their work and give their best efforts to the organization. * Individually oriented It tries to help employees develop their potential fully.It encourages them to give their best to the organization. It motivates employees through a systematic process of recruitment, selection, training and development coupled with fair wage policies. * People oriented HRM is all about people at work, both as individuals and groups. It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to hold good results. The resultant gains are utilize to reward people and motivate them toward only improvements in productivity. * Future-oriented Effective HRM helps an organization meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and well-motivated employees. Development oriented HRM intends to develop the full potential of employees. The reward structure is tuned to the needs of employees. Training is offered to sharpen and improve their skills. Employees are rotated on various jobs so that they gain experience and exposure. Every prove is made to use their talents fully in the service of organizational goals. * Integrating mechanism HRM tries to build and maintain cordial relations between people working at various levels in the organization. In short, it tries to integrate human assets in the best possible manner in the service of an organization. oecumenical function HRM is, to some extent, pertain with any organizational decision which has an impact on the workforce or the potential workforce. The term workforce signifies people working at various levels, including workers, supervisors, middle and top managers. It is concerned with managing people at work. It covers all types of personnel. military force work may take different shapes and forms at each level in the organizational hierarchy but the canonic objective of achieving organizational effectiveness through effective and efficient utilization of human resources, remains the same. It is basically a method of developing potentialities of employees so that they get supreme satisfaction out of their work and give their best efforts to the organization Meaning of human resource management Human alternative Management is that branch of organizational cognizance that deals with the mesh relationship, along with all the decisions, actions, and issues problematical in that relationship. Human resourcefulness Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization.Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers. Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues tie in to people such as compensation, hiring, military operation management, organization d evelopment, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training. Effective HRM enables employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organizations goals and objectives. 11. Importance of HRM to Managers To hire right person for the right job * To distract high hands turnover * To fasten people doing their best * To conduct proper interview * To exclude legal implications * To find out proper compensation management * To encounter safety of workmen and avoid unsafe practices * To regard equity and just nowice and right pay for right person * To realise implementation of training and development * To avoid raw labor practices Process of HRM 12. FLOWCHART OF enlisting treat & SELECTION PROCESS IN PACE HR INNOVATION PVT LTD. determine Requirement Job Posting pitiableing of CVs concealment of CVs Contact Employees short(p) listing of CVs industriousness to Compan y Company Response telephonic Interview Conduct Interview pay Back Candidate offer letter 13. enlisting PROCESS Recruitment forms the first stage in the process which continues with selection and ceases with the placement of the candidate. Recruitment makes it possible to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued of operation of the organization. Recruitment is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies.In other words, it is a Linking activity bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs. As Yoder and others point out Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the recruitments of the staffing schedule and to employ effective flyers for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to effective selection of an efficient working force. Accordingly, the mapping of recruitment is to locate sources of manpower to meet job requirements and job specifications.Recruitment has been regarded as the most important function of personnel administration, because unless the right type of people are hired, tied(p) the best plans, organizational charts and control systems would not do much good. According to Flippo views recruitment both as verificatory and prejudicious activity. He says it is a process of meddling for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization. It is often termed positive in that it stimulates people to apply for jobs to increase the Hiring ratio i. . , the number of applicants for a job. Selection, on the other hand tends to be negative because it rejects a good member of those who apply, leaving only the best to be hired A careful and comprehensive approach towards recruitment can ensure that you select the right person for the job, both for now and in the future. Theoretically speaking, Recruitment and Selection are two separate functions. Recruitment deals with the forming a pool o f applicants for a peculiar(prenominal) job, whereas Selection deals with finding the best one of the lot.In the first part of the project the various stages of Recruitment and Selection have been defined. However, it must be noted that in practice, Recruitment and Selection are considered to be synonymous and employ interchangeably. 14. Generally, every organization has its own recruitment policy. It may vary year to year in the light of changing surroundingss, situations. Recruitment as a matter of fact is a process use by an organization to locate and attract jobseekers in order to fill the job positions.An organization has to choose that recruitment method and sources which urinate the best pool of candidates quickly and cost effectively. The Recruitment is known as a process because certain important locomote are required to be followed small-arm recruitment the candidates. The following are the three important stages of a recruitment process is plan, Implementation, Evaluation. Before coming to inside information of recruitment, it is useful to note that, contrary to popular perception, this is an ongoing process and not confined to the fictile stages of an organization.Employees sacrifice the organization in search of greener pasturessome retire and some die in the saddle. More important an enterprise grows, diversifies, takes over other unitsall necessitating hiring of bracing and more capable employees. In fact, this function stops only when the organization ceases to exist. intend AND DEFINITION According to Edwin B. Flippo, Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization. Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers.A few definitions of recruitment are * A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when innovative recruits are sought and ends when their operations are submitted. The result is a pool of coatings from which young employees are selected. * It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to accelerate effective selection of an efficient working force. 5 PURPOSES AND IMPORTANCE OF RECRUITMENT PROCESS The customary single-valued function of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially satisfactory job candidates. Specifically, the purposes are to * Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization. * Determine the present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities * Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly, under qualified or overqualified job applicants * Help reduce the fortune that job applicants, once recruited a nd selected, will leave the organization only subsequently a short period of time * equate the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce * Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates * Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term * prise the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees. It is through recruitment that many individuals will come to know a company, and eventually decide whether they lack to work for it.A well-planned and well-managed recruiting effort will result in high-quality applicants, whereas, a haphazard and piecemeal effort will result in mediocre ones. High-quality employees cannot be selected when better candidates do not know of job openings, are not interested in working for the company, and do not apply. The recruitment process should inform qualified individuals about employment opportunities, make up a positive depiction of the company, provide enough information about the jobs so that applicants can make comparisons with their qualifications and interests, and generate enthusiasm among the best candidates so that they will apply for the vacant positions. 16 THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS 1 2 RECRUITMENT PROCESS 7 3 6 4 5 1. Identifying vacancies. 2. Preparing Job exposition. 3.Advertising the vacancies. 4. Managing the response. 5. Short listing candidates. 6. Telephonic call to candidate 7. Arranging Interviews. 8. Conducting interview and decision making. 17. Sources of Recruitment Process Before an organization activity begins recruiting applicants, it should consider the most likely sources of the employee it needs. nigh companies try to develop new sources, go most only try to attempt the existing sources they have. These sources harmonisely may be termed as i nternal & external sources. Recruitment process naturally comprises of two major factors they are orthogonal sources and internal sources. inbred SourcesThey include those who are already on the payroll of the organization and those who served the organization in the past (but quit voluntary or due to retrenchment) and would like to return if the organization likes to re employ. There is merit in looking for internal resources since they provide opportunities for better deployment and utilization of existing human resources through planned placements and transfers or to motivate people through planned procession and career development where vacancies exist in high grades. The law provides preference to retrenchment employees when vacancies vacate in future. Generally, the policy is to prefer internal sourcing, as own employees know the company well and can recommend candidates who fit the organizations culture. some other related policy is to have temporary and underemployed employees.In multinational corporations (MNCs), there is the policy relating to the recruitment of local citizens. MNCs operating in India, China, Japan, etc. may prefer local citizens as they can understand local languages, springer and business practices well. Cost of recruiting is yet other internal factor that has to be considered. Recruiters must operate within budgets. One cost-saving measure, for instance, is recruiting for multiple job openings simultaneously should be considered. lowestly, an organization registering growth and expansion will have more recruitment drive. knowledgeable sources of Recruitment process Transfer, Promotion, Demotion, Retied Employees, internal referrals etc. 8. Advantages of Internal sources- * It is a time saving and economical too as no advertisement is required to be attached for the jobs in external media. Cost of selection is reduced. * The internal candidates are well versed with policies, rules and mandate of the organization and as a result, cost of training, induction, orientation, period of adaptability can to the organization etc. * It helps to improve the moral and motivation of employees of the organization and to develop loyalty towards the organization and a sense of responsibility. * It encourages the employees to work hard, sincerely and to put sincere efforts to get promotion. As the management has the better of the strengths and weaknesses of its employees, proper decision can be interpreted to promote or transfer or to demote and thereby, the chances of making wrong decision can be considerably reduced. Disadvantages of Internal sources- * Internal recruitment restricts the options and freedom for the enterprises in choosing the most suitable candidates for the vacancies. The enterprises may have to compromise on quality of its choice of candidates. * If the enterprise depends too much on internal recruitment, it means that the enterprise denies itself fresh talent and new blood available outside. Existing employees, even if promoted or transferred may continue to work and deport in the same customary ways, without any dynamism. In the absence of argument from the qualified candidates compared from outside employees are likely to expect automatic promotio0n by higher(prenominal) rank and sure prospect. Thus may broad the drive for proving their worth. * There may be chance of conflict and quarreling among the employees who aspire for promotion to the available vacancies. Those who are not promoted are unhappy and their efficiency may decline. 19. immaterial Sources- Organization may look for people outside the organization. Entry level jobs are usually filled by new entrants from outside. Also in the following portion organization may resort to outside sources. * When suitable qualified people are not available. * When organization feels it is necessary to come new blood into it for fresh ideas, initiativesetc. When it is diversifying into new avenues and when it is merging with other organization of particular importance is the supply and demand of specific skills in the force market. * If the demand for a particular skill is high recounting to the supply, an extraordinary recruiting effort may be needed. For instance, the demand for analysts and specialists is likely to be higher than compared to of supply, non-technical employer. When the unemployment rate in a given area is high, the increased size of the jade pool provides better opportunities for attracting qualified applicants. On the other hand, as the unemployment rate drops, recruiting efforts must be increased and new sources explored. Another external source is political and legal considerations.Reservation of jobs for SCs, STs, minorities, and other backward classes (OBCs) is a political decision. Politics play a springy role in recruitment purpose, this need to be taken into consideration tour recruiting. The companys image also matters in attracting large number of job seek ers. Often, it is not the money that is important. It is the perception of the job seekers about the company that matters in attracting qualified prospective employees. The various external sources of Recruitment can be made through are as follows Press Advertisement, educational Institutes, and Employment Exchange, Placement agencies / outsourcing, effort Contractors, Recruitment at factory gate. 20. Advantages of external sources- It helps to attract and introduce new blood in the organization which makes the organization more propelling through the inflow of innovative ideas, fresh thinking etc. * Employees can be selected without pre-conceived ideas, partially or reservation and labour cost can be lessen by selecting the employees on minimum wages. * External sources prove to be more economical if experienced, well trained candidates are selected. * jab cost can be decrease by selecting the employees on minimum pay scales. * It helps in motivating internal employees to work hard and compete with external candidates while seeking career growth. such a competitive atmosphere would help an employee to work to the best of his abilities. Disadvantages of external sources- It sometimes proves to be expensive if advertisement are required to be done on large scale and also because of heavy cost of making arrangements for interviews, tests etc. * It is a time consuming and involves lengthy selection process. * The caper of attracting, contracting and evaluating the potentials employees is somewhat difficult and very hard. * It creates unhappy among the existing employees who feel that they are qualified and fit for the jobs but no opportunity is given. It does not help to develop the loyalty among the existing employees. * As freshly recruited employees are not familiar with the policies, practices, procedures, and environment of the organization, they take sometime to adjust themselves.If they take more time to adjust or if they cannot adjust themselves v aluable time is blow and costs also increases. 21. Factors affecting Recruitment Process The recruitment function of the organizations is unnatural and governed by a mix of various internal and external forces. The internal forces or factors are the factors that can be controlled by the organisation. And the external factors are those factors which cannot be controlled by the organisation. The internal and external forces affecting recruitment function of an organisation are FACTORS touch on RECRUITMENT EXTERNAL FACTORS * Supply And Demand. * Labour Market. * Image and Reputation of company * Political- social- legal environment. Competitors. * Unemployment Rate INTERNAL FACTORS * Human Resources planning. * surface of the Firm. * Cost of Recruitment. * Growth and Expansion. * Recruitment Policy. 22. SELECTION PROCESS The Selection procedure is concerned with relevant information about an applicant. This information is secured in a number move or stages. The objectives of selec tion process are to determine whether an applicant meets the qualification for a specific job and to choose the applicant who is most likely to perform well in that job. Selection is a long process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the applicants and ending with the contract of employment.The hiring procedure is not a single act but it is essentially a serial of methods or locomote or stages by which additional information is secured about the employee. At each stage, fact may come to light which may lead to the rejection to the applicant. A procedure may be compared to a series of successive hurdle race or barriers which an applicant must cross. These are intended as screens, and they are intentional to eliminate an unqualified applicant at any point in the process. The following process of selection can be mentioned as a scientific and astray used selection process- * initial book binding interview. * exertion blank or application form. * Written test and other selection tests. * Comprehensive Interview. Medical examination. * Checking of references. * utmost employment decision. * Placement. Meaning and Defination According to Dale Yoder, Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided into two classes those who offered employment and those are not. Selection means a process by which qualified personnel may be chosen by the recruiter for the various vacancies in the organization. 23. Selection procedure * Screening Screening of applications can be regarded as an integral part of the selection process, though many view it as the last step in the recruitment process. up to now the definition on recruitment excludes back from its scope.However, screening is included in recruitment by some HR professionals. The purpose of screening is to remove from the process, at an early stage, those applicants who are visibly unqualified for the job. Effective screening can save a great deal of time and money. deal out must be exercised, however, to assure that potentially good employees are not alienated and that women and minorities receive full and fair consideration and are not rejected without justification. In screening, clear job specifications are invaluable. It is both a good practice and a legal necessity that applicants qualifications be judged on the basis of their knowledge, skills, abilities and interests required to do the job.The techniques used to screen applicants vary depending on the candidate sources and recruiting methods used. * Using the telephone Talking on the telephone is a prompt way of screening applicants, especially appropriate if good speech and the ability to chat informally are necessary attributes for the job, for example tele-marketing jobs. instruction can be swiftly tranquil and assessed with suitable applicants being invited for an interview. However, there are some limitations of this screening method. Some interested, and mayhap suitable, applicants may find i t difficult to call, especially if theyre already in employment. * coat forms believably the best way of screening applicants is to ask them to fill out an application form.There are many valid reasons for adopting this approach. Full details about the job and your company can be sent with the form. lone(prenominal) then can he decide if he wishes to proceed with his application, attend an interview and wear a job offer. Supplying place setting information is in your interests too. Some people, realizing that this isnt the job or company for them, will not apply. With applicants answering the same questions in on the button the same place, it will be impartial to check whether essential and desirable requirements are met. Some basic criteria age, possession of a full driving license and so on can be quickly referred to and unsuitable applicants promptly eliminated.The recruiter will be able to compare applicants directly and more easily. Of course, the main benefit of using an application form as a screening method the simplicity of checking and comparing information can only be derived if the form is well intentional. 24. There are some(prenominal) points that need to be thought about before an application form is drawn up. Ideally, the form should be individually endeavored for the particular job, and composed after a careful study of the appropriate job description and employee specification. Every form should be set out in a logical and progressive manner and should include the following * opening instructions personal details * education and training * employment history * medical information * shutdown instructions * interviewers notes Most companies, at the end of the form, ask the applicants to sign a annunciation stating that the information given in the application is true and faultless. This helps protect the company if legal issues arise later with regards to the employees qualifications, experience and other details. * feeler inte rview approach interview is more or less the scrutiny of applications, that is, elimination of unqualified applications. Preliminary interview helps easily to reject or eliminate unwanted application forms.For example, when recruiting for the post of a receptionist, you need to first see whether the person is presentable enough or not for the job. Besides, preliminary interview, often called courtesy interview, is a good populace relations exercise. * Selection tests They should be seen strictly as an aid, not as a replacement to other steps in the process. Testing candidates can help to create a more comprehensive see of them than one might otherwise obtain. With test results measured on a scientific basis, it should also be more accurate and safe than when subject to personal interpretation. Nevertheless, test is a highly specialized area, and prestigious tests take years to be developed, tried and true and checked for validity and reliability before being used.No manager should devise his own tests unless he is fully trained and sufficiently experienced nor should he run other, professionally designed tests without first having been through an appropriate training programme. Bear in mind the financial outlay involved in testing candidates as well. The reference sets, manuals, test sheets, answer booklets, scoring charts and so on that are needed to run the test on several candidates might cost the company a lot of money. crusade the costs against the importance of the job to the company. Only use the test if you cannot obtain the same, every bit accurate information in another way. 25. * Types of Tests 1. General aptitude tests General aptitude tests, also commonly known as general intelligence or mental ability tests, similar to IQ tests measure and assess the candidate in a number of ways.Those involving words allow you to judge his verbal ability and how well he understands and can deal with verbal concepts. Symbols enable you to evaluate his n on-verbal ability to process and discriminate between relevant and irrelevant selective information. numeric ability can be judged that how well the candidate reasons with figures. 2. Specificaptitude tests In addition to finding out about a candidates general intelligence, you may also want to measure the innate skills which are needed or need to be developed to do the job properly. For example, a candidate applying for a job in a market research agency is tested on his knowledge in Statistics. 3.Personality tests -Personality tests are likely the most widely used selection tests because all employers want to be certain that a candidate will fit in and get on well with other employees. Personality tests could thus be of some assistance if you cannot accurately assess candidates personalities in any other way. Such tests typically comprise a series of questions. His answers are then used to draw up a profile of his record so you can decide if he is a suitable person for the job . 4. stem tests -Having assessed candidates individually, by reading applications and running interviews and tests, you may wish to bring them together as a group to see how they behave and interact with each other.This can be a valid and extremely important testing method especially where the palmy candidate is expected to lead or work as part of a team. Group testing can be carried out in a variety show of ways, such as group hash outions, case studies, management games, etc. 5. Medical tests hither candidates are required to under go some type of medical test such has He or she is not addicted to some type of drugs or some injuries products. To detect if the candidate is scurvy from any infectious disease. * To test if the candidate has the physical abilities and capacity to do the job * To protect the candidate from taking up a job that is injurious to his health say if he has some kind of an allergy. To protect the employer, because nobody wants to spend on a medical comp ensation for the impertinently joined worker it is better to employee people who do not have any medical problems. 26. * Selection closing After obtaining information through the proceeding steps, selection decision- the most crucial of all the steps must be made. The other stages in the selection process have been used to narrow the number of candidates. The final decision has to be made from among the individuals who have passed the various stages like the tests, interviews and references checks. For the final selection the line manager should be involved along with the HR Department because it is he who is responsible for the surgical procedure of the new employee.A careless decision of rejecting a candidate would impair the team spirit of the people and they will suspect the selection procedure and the organization. * Job offer It is the next step to the selection processes. Now the employer makes an offer to the selected candidate. The offer could be oral or written, but th e letter is preferred to avoid doubts and uncertainties. The essentials of a job offer are * Job title, job description, location, hours of work, holiday etc. * The conditions of the job offer, such as satisfactory references, a medical check up and an acceptable trial period of work * Time limit allowed for accepting or rejecting the offer (generally 7 14 days) * A negotiable salaryIt may so elapse that the candidate is not satisfied with the job offer made to him, and even after negotiation if still not satisfied, he may reject the offer. In such a situation the employer may make the offer to the second best selected candidate. Hence the employer may keep one or two candidates till the end just to be on a safer side, because after rejecting it becomes difficult to get them back if required. As in brief as the final selection is made and the offer is accepted the employer must immediately inform all the other candidates. This must be done with concluding care, because this may make the rejected candidates apprehensive and unhappy and that they might spread a negative word about the organization.The precedent situation would be such that if there is an opening at another time then even the rejected candidates must want to try again. 27. * Starting work The recruitment process must not suddenly end as soon as a job offer is accepted. If recruitment is to be considered successful, you still need to help the new recruit pay off down to work for the company on a long-term basis. One should monitor and assess him regularly, developing his strengths and eliminating his weaknesses. One should then review the way he was recruited, training from the mistakes and making the necessary changes for the future. * Induction The process of settling a new recruit into his new job should serve several purposes.He must be aware of the policies and objectives of the organisation. The employees must fully familiarize with his role and the company hell be working for. Intr oduce the recruit to his immediate superior, workmates and the trainer responsible for training him. Should the former job holder be available, it may be a good idea to get them together to discuss the job, but only if the predecessor is a cheerful person with a positive attitude towards the job and company. Through induction new employees get a all round view of the organization strategies, goals and objectives and what type of work he should do to achieve this objectives, goals of the organization.Through induction the employee becomes more confident and it takes short period of time for him to adjust with employees and the organization. 28. Recruitment process conducted at Pace HR Innovation Pvt Ltd. 1. Receptionist. Job involves Candidates should have good communication and good command over English. Candidates should have good knowledge regarding MS word, Excel. Candidates must have at least realised graduation from, a acknowledge university. pay off-fresher/1-2 yrs. Job Cat egory Bcom, any graduate. Functional Area To handle calls, trend Desk Keywords Receptionist. 2. Recruiter Job involves Candidates should be MBA/ diploma. Candidates should able to screen and recruit candidates as per Job Description.Candidates should have good command over English, Marathi, and Hindi. drive fresher/1-2 yrs. Job category MBA in Recruiter and Selection. Functional Area Recruitment and selection. Keywords Recruiter. 3. Training and Development. Job involves Candidates should have completed MBA in HR from recognised university. Candidates have a good knowledge regarding core HR functions and various HR policies. Candidates should be able to develop and find weakness of the employee. Experience 1-2yrs. Job Category MBA in Training and Development. Functional Area Training and Development. Keywords Human resources development. 29. 3. HR Manager.Job Involves Candidates should have completed MBA in HR from recognised university. Candidates should be able to handle all th e quires and should be able to calculate the performance of the employees. Candidates should have knowledge regarding various forms and policies. Job category MBA in HR manager. Functional Area Human Resources Department. Keywords HR manager. 4. Marketing. Job Involves Candidates should have completed MBA in marketing from recognised university. Candidates should have good command over English, Hindi and Marathi. Should have good should knowledge regarding Marketing Analysis and surveys. Job category MBA in Marketing. Functional Area Marketing Department. Keywords Marketing. 30.Selection operation- uncomplimentary Personnel Data Application Blank Psychological Test Interview Back ground Investigation Placements Final selection Interview Physical query Preliminary Interview Negative Decision Waiting list of desirable Application Reception of Application UnfavorableGeneral Impression Unfavorabletest rack up Unfavorable second impression Unfavorable previous History 31. LIMITAT ION TO useful SELECTION The main objective of selection is to hire people having competence and commitment. information Our inability to understand others accurately is probably the most fundamental barrier to selecting the right candidate.Selection demands an individual or a group of people to assess and compare the individual competencies of others, with the aim of choosing the right ones for the jobs. blondness- Fairness in selection requires that no individual should be discriminated against on the basis of religion, region, race or gender. Validity- Validity, as explained earlier, is a test that helps hollo job performance of an incumbent. A test that has been validate can differentiate between the employees who can perform well and those who will not. However, a validated test does not predict job success accurately. It can only increase possibility of success. Reliability- A tested method is one which will learn consistent results when repeated in similar situations.L ike a validated test, a reliable test may fail to predict job performance with precision. mechanical press- Pressure may be brought on the selectors by politicians, bureaucrats, relatives, friends and peers to select particular candidates. Candidates selected because of compulsions are evidently not the right ones. Appointments to public sector undertakings generally take place under such pressures. Problems relating to interview- Interviews must be experts and versatile in conducting interviews, tests etc. If they do not have sufficient experience and maturity, suitable candidates may not be selected. 32. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDYThe selection of this thing for the project is because the recruitment and selection process is first towards the developing and setting up an organization and manpower planning in the organization. Recruitment plays an integral role in Human Resources development in any company. The complete study of the whole process was carried o ut to have depth knowledge of the procedure and to have some new ideas to improve the procedure. * To study the existing Recruitment selection procedure of Pace HR Innovation Pvt. LTD. * To understand the difference between theoretical and practical process. * To study the sources and methods of Recruitment selections. * To get the detail knowledge of Recruitment selection. To understand how human resources are made available as and when required at correct time and place. * To understand the basic procedure of selection of any candidate for a particular position as per their personality, Skills, attitude, knowledge. * To create a pool of candidates at minimum cost. * To ensure that candidate will not leave the organization at least in short occlusion once they are selected. On completion of this training I understood. * Recruitment Process * Job Analysis and Job Descriptions. * Sourcing candidate * The Selection Process. 33. chain OF THE STUDY SCOPE OF THE STUDY Summer project is one of the main subjects for MBA student.The project provides opportunity to see the actual Practical position in the industries and helps us in many ways such as working and coordination between the employees and the subordinates. The main theme and Moto of pace HR innovation was to train and built the personality of the candidates so that they will not find it difficult to crack any type of problems which will occur during the course of their career. The Pace HR innovation trainer explained that there are various types of manpowersthat are needed in the organization such as qualification, technical knowledge, personality, modern thinking, skills etc which are available in the market and showed me how to select the right candidate for the respective position which is the main criteria of Recruitment Selection process.The HR trainee also explained me as how to recruit and short list candidates as per organizations Job Description and showed ashow to work on various Job Portals s uch as the TIMES line of merchandise PORTAL and how to Post a job on Job Portal according to the various post vacant in the organization. At Pace HR Innovation Company I have also learnt that how the HR department coordinates and works together and Trainees also taught me that how a HR manager should stand in front and motivate his workers to improve their work and to achieve the organization goals. HR Trainees also taught me various important HR department functions such as how to handle the employees and solve their quires and to see that whether they are satisfied ith the organizations work procedure or not. The HR trainer also explained the necessary documents that should be collected from employees and how to fill various necessary Application form. The summer Project gives us many insight ideas about how HR department functions. 34. RESEARCH methodology RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. mannerology- The research was conducted one to one at the premises of PACE HR INNOVATION PVT LTD, PU NE. The coverage of the design was adapted so that relevant and necessary information was available to the reader. Care has been taken to ensure that the report does not fall back its significance at any point of time. Research Objective- To find out the recruitment process existed in the organization. * To get in hand knowledge of recruitment and selection measures necessary for the employees. * Awareness among employees about the vacant post in the organization. * To study the impact of employees satisfaction for the organization. Research Methods- twain primary data and secondary data were used in the research. Primary Method- Primary data was collected in two forms (I) Questionnaire (II) Interview. Questionnaire- Questionnaire is research instru

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